View Profile DJPeak88
Just a fan of Newgrounds. I very often come to the site looking to be amused. So why not get points for it! I enjoy many things and like to be amused. I only wish to be helpful in my reviews.

Age 35, Male


Clarkson University

Clarkson University

Joined on 8/31/08

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1,270 / 1,350
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Latest News

Hello, I am a avid fan of newgrounds and I finally decided to create a news blog! :D So, the big note in this news blog is that I am an official DJ for an official Radio station. WTSC "The Source". The show is called Death to Automation and its a really cool show. Death to Automation airs on Monday's from 6pm to 8pm.
All day we play the one and only VINYL!!! For those of you who don't know, vinyl are those black disks your dad keeps reminding you of, saying "Son, this is my Beatles album and this is my Styx album." But we are a rock show with some very amusing talk inbetween.
If you would like to check out this awesome show (guaranteed to grow hair on your chest, and make you lose 20 pounds) check out the live streaming audio at radio.clarkson.edu. The show rocks the socks off of any other radio show ever. Also, did i meantion that we have NO COMMERTIALS!!!! We are student run and therefore its all music all the time! If you would like to know more about our show we have our very own website! web.me.com/okeefebt Feel free to come on down and enjoy our show.

Dominic Bochicchio
DJ Peak

I am a DISC-JOCKEY!!!!!

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7,150 Points

RT I like it 25 Points

Gigantor survives the battle

Becoming 10 Points

The end is upon you.

Debugging Complete 10 Points

Destroy all the bugs.

The Living Stars 5 Points

Unlock the gate.

The Land Beneath 5 Points

Fall through the clouds.

Beyond Words 5 Points

Cut Off a Conversation

Droppin' Ten 5 Points

Ten Crush-Hugs

Just Barely 5 Points

Far Right Smoosh

Easy Fiver 5 Points

Five Love Taps

Secret Medal ????? Points

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